July 19, 2015

Running Sitemeter On Your Blog? Better Read On

It has been a while that I keep on seeing x.vindicosuite(dot)com when I log in to my blogger account. I thought it was a natural thing due to different widgets on my site, but after a while, whatever element or page I click, I  briefly see the desired location then a redirection to x.vindicosuite(dot)com again. It was super annoying and really made me suspicious.

Typing on Laptop

I checked around and found out that it's actually not a good thing, though NO worms or viruses were involved. It's a kind of unwanted redirection to some ads, which is not cool. Blogger and Wordpress sites alike had the same problem, as I have read on forums...

The sad story is that it's from the Sitemeter code, a malfunction. I used this tool to track visits and receive statistical reports. It was really useful, plus it's FREE, but now it seems their system is compromised. Read here as another blogger shared about Sitemeter and malware.

I have deleted the code and the problem stopped. 

Are you also a blogger? Have you experienced this too? Share your thoughts.

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