July 23, 2014

The Night is Dark and Full of...

GOT gif
Terrors of the Night
GIF credit: mtv.com

This post has nothing to do with Game of Thrones. Only with terrors. Not the "winter is coming" type of terror which I've yet to see in the upcoming seasons or read on R.R. Martin's books. It's more of 'dead alive' thing.

Don't be frightened, I bet you've experienced this too...click READ MORE:)

I've been attacked. I just can't remember the exact number of incidents but I vividly remember the most recent ones.

As I was minding my business in the bedroom, IT suddenly came flying from an open window ready to land right on my pretty face! I was alone dear readers. No one's around to help or rescue me from this perpetrator. Horror stricken, adrenaline kicked in. It's fight or flight! I grabbed the nearest object. In a critical, very precarious time I have a fluffy pillow to defend me. Que sera sera.

Pillow pic

Time stopped. Everything's in slow motion. Yeah, matrix-kind-of-scene. I can see how big IT is, wings flapping as though excited to embrace me. I hit IT with my best shot--with that fluffy pillow. IT just landed behind the cabinet. I run as fast as I can to get a dependable lethal weapon. The flyswatter. A regular slipper's Plan B. Once outside the room I had second thoughts. Should I go back in? Where will I sleep? Can I sleep with that creature crawling and lurking somewhere in the room? Hmmm, do i really have a choice?!!!!

Flyswatter pic

Time to face the enemy. Like a policeman with a warrant, I searched the area. Out of nowhere IT came flying again towards me! Potek @*!#@*! Excuse my french. I made some Lara Croft stunts to avoid IT! I hit IT again, this time it fell down wriggling and crawling like a zombie towards me. I was tap dancing like a pro splatting and shunning from it. Finally, I slayed IT. RIP to you FLYING IPIS (cockroach) you won't be missed. Now I'm calm, sanity preserved.

cockroach drawing
photo credit: clipartbest.com

I fetched a broom and dustpan to 'clear the crime scene.' A THING crawled on my hand! A big, fat, icky German cockroach!!!! Imagine my horror. Triple Potek. I was crazily shrieking and contorting my hand Emily-Rose-kind-of-way. I was caught unaware. Sh#t happens. Full of fury, I splattered it mercilessly until unrecognizable. I remember Oberyn. What a night. The night was dark and full of roaches!

cockroach pic

Now I'm terribly enraged, enemies are at large! This is serious. They're virtually everywhere. Time to assassinate these trespasser creepers. I need to plan and think like Littlefinger or Cersei. Or bring out the dragons...Dracarys! This is war. #

GOT Khalessi pic

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